The Challengers
The Challengers
The Challengers Volleyball team is uniquely comprised of Trinidadian and Venezuelan athletes, and coached by the venerable Kanhai "Perry" Sirjoo, a veteran Trinidadian Volleyballer who doesn't care where his players come from, so long as they have the talent and passion to play.
Join UNHCR, with the support of the European Union Inclusive Cities programme, as we tell the story of The Challengers!

For many of the players on The Challengers volleyball team, it’s more than just a game. It’s an escape from the worries of everyday life. It’s camaraderie and team spirit. It’s competition and growth. It’s a place where they can feel accepted and welcomed regardless of their nationality or status. Sport is a powerful tool for inclusion and integration, especially for refugees and migrants as they try to settle into their new host communities. And it’s a story that needs to be told.
The Challengers is a short documentary film (21’) directed by Trinidad and Tobago filmmaker Rhonda Chan Soo, and produced by UNHCR with support from the European Union’s Inclusive Cities/Cities of Solidarity project.